Online and Remote Learning: Tips

Note from read “Online and Remote Learning: Tips for Students”


How will you ensure each day has a predictable rhythm?

How will you create a study schedule?

  • Mark your calendar with “appointments” for independent studying, reading, and assignment completion for each class
  • Check out our Weekly Action Plan! It’s a chart you can use to get started

Study space

What enhances your overall focus and productivity?

  • Explore if you work best with quiet or ambient noise
  • Try turning off your phone for set periods of time

Setting goals

Starting each day and each week with clear and concrete goals will give your days purpose and structure.

Here are two handouts for setting priorities to get you started. One is focused on what you decide that you must do, should do, could do, and the other designates priority alphabetically with an A, B, C, and D scheduling model.

Any large papers or projects due at the end of the semester?

  • Break down projects into a series of discrete steps, and schedule these steps into your calendar. Try working backwards from the due date.

What do you want and need to accomplish for each class in the coming week?

  • List steps to make progress on these tasks, and earmark possible dates in your calendar to work on these tasks

What do you need and want to accomplish for each class today?

  • Guesstimate how much time might you need to allocate for each task, and draft a daily schedule