What Are Mnemonics?

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What Are Mnemonics?

“Mnemonic” is simply another word for memory tool. Mnemonics are techniques for re-packaging information, helping your brain to store it safely – and find it again at the right moment. Think of mnemonics as ways to boost what your brain can do anyway.


Research has shown that our memories are activated more strongly by images than words To remember a task you need to do in the future, you could try creating a vivid mental image of it actually happening.[1]


Your brain can combine multiple senses to create strong memories.

Use as many senses as you can to learn and remember. Don’t just picture the things to buy at the grocery store: imagine smelling, touching and tasting them, too. [1]


Even important and serious material can be given a humorous twist in your imagination.


You give information a pattern when you use rhymes and rhythms, or turn sets of letters into mnemonic words or phrases.

Designing Effective Mnemonics

As you start inventing mnemonics of your own, keep in mind three more principles: imagination, association and location. [1]

  • Imagination: create images that are vivid, engaging, and rich enough to jog your memory.

  • Association: make the most of your brain’s habit of linking ideas [images].

  • Location: use your memories of real-world places to help you remember new material.

Link and Story Method : You visualize an object and then create a story that connects it to the next object.