My First Blog with Jekyll on GitHub, How to ?

Creating GitHub Pages

First, Create a repository on GitHub by following the steps in Getting Started with GitHub Pages. This guide is to help you create a repository step by step.

Setting up your GitHub Pages site Locally

Set up a local version of your Jekyll GitHub Pages site to test changes. Following instructions in Setting up your GitHub Pages site Locally with Jekyll to set up site locally.

Creating .gitignore file

The .gitignore file will looks like:

# ignore composer vendor directory

Customizing Theme

I use the Cayman theme. If you’d like to customize the theme’s HTML. Following the The Cayman theme page.

Markdown Code Blocks in Jekyll

Jekyll uses the Liquid templating language to process templates. If you need to write Liquid template code in your markdown file. You came with the problem with the double curly brackets. Thank Writing Liquid Template in Markdown Code Blocks with Jekyll blog for solution.

One option is to use Liquid’s {% raw %} tag. Raw temporarily disables tag processing until the {% endraw %} .

{% raw %}
code here
{% endraw % }

Customizing My Layouts

  • Create a folder called _layouts in the site’s root folder.
  • Copy the default.html from the GitHub theme’s repository to the _layouts folder.
  • Create the blog.html in the _layouts folder. (Blog template layout). I copy this from
layout: default
<section class="blog">
    {{ content }}
    <ul class="list">
    {% for post in site.posts %}
            <time class="time">
                {% assign date_format = site.date_format | default: "%-d %b, %Y" %}
                {{ | date: date_format }}
                <a class="link" href="{{ post.url | relative_url }}" role="link">{{ post.title | escape }}</a>
            <p class="meta">
                {{ post.content | strip_html | escape | truncatewords: 80 }}
    {% endfor %}
  • Create the post.html in the _layouts folder. (Post template layout). List contents of _layouts folder in a tree-like format.
$ tree _layouts/
├── blog.html
├── default.html
└── post.html

0 directories, 3 files

Writing Posts

Following the Writing posts page in Jekyll website to create your first blog post.

$ tree _posts/

0 directories, 1 file

Run your Jekyll site locally

$ bundle exec jekyll serve

This is my first blog post screenshot:

My Posts screenshot

Show GitHub Repository Metadata

Append the _config.yml with this content.

email: your email
  is_project_page: true
  repository_url: your_github_repository_url
  repository_name: your_github_repository_name
  owner_url: your_github_url
  owner_name: your_name

Screenshot show GitHub Repository Metadata after edit the _config.yml.

Show GitHub Repository Metadata

Enabling Google Analytics

If you are using The Cayman theme with Jekyll. To enable Google Analytics, append the following lines to _config.yml:

# Google Analytics
google_analytics: UA-123456789-0

The UA-123456789-0 is your Google Analytics Tracking ID. The Cayman theme will auto enable Google Analytics with script in the default.html

{% if site.google_analytics %}
    (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),

    ga('create', '{{ site.google_analytics }}', 'auto');
    ga('send', 'pageview');
{% endif %}