Ionic5 : Build First App

Required Tools

  • Node.js v13.x:
    # Using Ubuntu
    curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
    sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
  • A code editor Visual Studio Code on Linux , install it by running:
    sudo snap install --classic code

Remote Development using SSH

Install the Ionic CLI

Chang directtory to your project, Install the Ionic CLI with npm locally:

cd /opt/ionic5_project
npm install  @ionic/cli

Install lab mode as a dev-dependency for testing purpose.

npm i @ionic/lab --save-dev

Start an App

Start an meeting App with blank template and type is angular

ionic start meetingApp blank --type=angular

Start server

Start a local dev server for app, ionic serve with -l option : Test your apps on multiple platform types in the browser

ionic serve -l


    --no-livereload .......... Do not spin up dev server--just serve files
    --project ................ The name of the project
    --no-open ................ Do not open a browser window
    --local .................. Disable external network usage
    --lab, -l ................ Test your apps on multiple platform types in the browser
    --prod ................... [ng] Flag to use the production configuration